how will the experience of life be impacted by more and more advanced ai ?
how will the experience of life be impacted by more and more advanced ai ?

how will the experience of life be impacted by more and more advanced ai ?

I'm really sorry if this kind of this is posted all the time but i haven't really found anything.

With more and more advanced ai it's clear that the way we live will change drastically in the next 50 years, with ai and robots that will be able to replace more and more jobs our entire economy will have to adapt.

When you live in a world where the best psychiatrist you could talk to, the best teacher you could have are AI. Where the best programmer someone could hire is AI. Where the safest way to get surgery is by robots. How do we live ? I've started to watch a lot of content about things like the end of the "wage economy" and something i've heard a bit is the idea of "democratization of leisure" or the star trek explanation of "working to better yourself". I don't know, is there like real smart people that have thought about this like philosophers or economists ?

And then we come to the idea of ai creativity. When you live in a world where your favorite book has been written by AI. When the special comfort show you watch when you're feeling down has been generated just for you in a few minutes. When the smart display on your wall has shown you a piece of entirely generated art that moved you to tears. How do you live in a world like that ?

I have an exam in a few hours and thinking about this as been frying my brain. I'm not really asking if those things are possible but more about what would be the consequences of those things, with how fast ai advances it's pretty difficult to know what is possible no matter what.

Thanks a lot for reading, i would love any insight or resources. And also to know what you think about this

submitted by /u/osmium999
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