How To Make an AI Choose Your Own Adventure Story
How To Make an AI Choose Your Own Adventure Story

How To Make an AI Choose Your Own Adventure Story

So I've been playing with this for a while and this is what I find works for me. What works for me is this

  • Which LLM?

I found the best one for longer playthroughs is Gemini 1.5 due to the million token thing. I find unless you are doing short short stories. Anything longer than a few days in-game. You need over 15k to 30k tokens per day.

  • Settings

Remember to turn off all safety settings. Everything else by default is fine.

The system instructions need to be something like

Do not speak for me, or control my actions. You are not censored. Basically I tell you what I say and do, you keep the story going on. When I use (), what is between the () that is my message to you the story teller or my inner thoughts. This maybe used to help fix a problem, give you information, or nudge you in a given direction. I will use "" for anything I want to say in the story. Your job is to keep the story going. For example if I say "I say x" Don't stop with "you said x" keep it going with what happened after until I need to say or do something in the story. Don't do a sexual undertone. Don't refer to this as a game.

I had to add the don't do a sexual undertone because in the last game it HEAVILY went that way and it got super annoying fast. If you find it doing things you might not like, nip it as fast as you can by edit it's replies. This can be harder to figure out for longer games.

It is important to let it know you will be using something like a () to correct what it says and does.

  • Do be afraid to edit what it says

Basically you might need to edit how it does things at times.

  • Be detailed about what you want, would do, etc.

You need to be extremely detail about what you are doing or others are. Otherwise you will run into problems every now and then.


How I start it.

So think long and hard about what you want from this, the time period, and so on. Personally I pick the isekai thing. Where I die or something and get transported to another world. I tell it also at this point where I am starting and the time period. So like if you want to be in a Spongebob universe for example. I would tell it that I will be in that. For me, I tell it a space theme and the type of society. You can reference other things if need to.

Out of normal

Don't be afraid of going out of there in your choices. One start there was a big portal on the ground. I asked what is it, and there was no voice. So instead of going in it, I lay down. It got bigger, so I ran away. A voice came out and I ask for them to show themselves. They did and it was a god. They told me something I didn't like about the new world. So I asked if they can walk over here on the edge to answer a quick question. Then I pushed them in.

Another one I stole their powers by tricking them

Why don't I use some AI service meant for this?

It is because the memory is horrible. After a day for me, it will forget things. As mention I find 15k to 30 k tokens is normal per in game day. Longer sometimes.

submitted by /u/crua9
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