How screwed is the entertainment industry in general in the coming years?
How screwed is the entertainment industry in general in the coming years?

How screwed is the entertainment industry in general in the coming years?

Yes, I know this topic has been beaten to death but entertain me (no pun intended) for just a few minutes.

So yes, it's obvious that we have pretty advanced AI-powered applications that can generate images, music, short stories, hell even objects for video games. I'm curious as to how crazy this is gonna get in the coming decade or even shorter like the next 4 to 5 years. I mean look at AI-generated images now, they're getting more and more sophisticated across various different styles of art. I think it's only a matter of time where you could take a certain image of a character or something tell the app "Hey make the same image but make the character's arm raised slightly to the left here" and bam all of a sudden you have an animation (and this may already be possible). Add to that AI-generated voice acting and scripts and you could generate an entire kid's movie or hell even a full length anime or realistic, live-action-looking film with a few clicks or prompts.

Who's to say in the coming years that people just simply aren't gonna care that a piece of entertainment was created using AI because it will still be entertaining? How concerning is this and how screwed are artists, scriptwriters, voice actors, literally anyone in Hollywood or game devs? Are there even ways to determine whether something is generated by say ChatGPT or Midjourney? Is there a possibility for media to have some sort of metadata to signify that it was AI-generated as opposed to say an image designed manually by a human in Adobe illustrator? I'm wondering if there's gonna be some sort of third-party agency that would have to audit and verify whether something was human or AI generated for any form of entertainment some day and said media would have some sort of label stating "verified made by humans". But then again AI is intermingling in so many applications now where's the threshold that would label it AI vs human?

Obviously (wishful thinking) there will always be an appreciation for human-made stuff but will younger generations even care in 5 to 10 years if they're raised solely watching generated content at some point? They'll be so fixated on something that's simply entertaining they won't care how it was created leaving creativity in humans to slowly rot.

There's a lot of questions there and mostly thinking out loud but TL;DR how fucked is the entertainment industry in the next decade and should someone stop voice acting and start learning how to program lol

submitted by /u/mysliwiecmj
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