How long until AI eliminates the modeling industry?
How long until AI eliminates the modeling industry?

How long until AI eliminates the modeling industry?

I was flipping through a magazine when I had the thought that fashion brands/designers/companies could save a lot of money by just slapping their products on an AI generated model instead of paying a real model.

I wonder how long it will be until this is the norm for models in magazines, commercials, billboards, etc. I know it’s already happening in some instances, but how long until modeling careers are a thing of the past? How will this affect the already unrealistic standards of beauty that undoubtedly impacts our society?

Is the entertainment industry as a whole next? Will movies and tv actors eventually be replaced by AI? I would like to believe that humans will be more inclined to watch other human actors rather than artificial ones, but if the artificial ones are just as relatable and “human” as us, would anyone really notice or care?

I’m interested to hear everyone’s opinions.

submitted by /u/unhingedcreation
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