how coming federal and state prohibitions against ai disinformation will also prohibit human disinformation
how coming federal and state prohibitions against ai disinformation will also prohibit human disinformation

how coming federal and state prohibitions against ai disinformation will also prohibit human disinformation

it will soon become absolutely impossible to distinguish between ai and human generated content. the level of fake news and disinformation coming from both right and left wing news organizations is dangerous and unsustainable. a good example is their longstanding meme that palestinians simply hate jews rather than the truth that what they want is freedom from israel's decades-long oppressive occupation of gaza and the west bank. after world war ii, the united nations resolved to grant both jews and palestinians their own state. since then, israel has deceitfully cast itself as a victim in a selfish attempt to deny them their in order to gain evermore land for israeli jews.

but i'm not here to argue about the above conflict. i use it as an example because it has now escalated to what may become a regional war, and perfectly highlights the risks we face with both human and ai disinformation.

the only way to prevent ai disinformation is to align and train our llm models to very accurately distinguish truth from lies. and, again, because it is becoming increasingly impossible for both humans and ais to distinguish between human and ai-generated content, no disinformation - regardless of its source - will be free from this heightened and absolutely necessary scrutiny.

it's a great irony that many people fear that ai will lead to much more disinformation in the world when the exact opposite is true. it is because ais are increasingly better able to detect and refute disinformation that our world is headed full steam ahead toward far greater truth than we have ever known before.

rather than fear increasingly intelligent ais, we should welcome their increasing ability to advance our world in this very important way.

submitted by /u/Georgeo57
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