How can you see AI influencing your regular everyday life/job in the future?
How can you see AI influencing your regular everyday life/job in the future?

How can you see AI influencing your regular everyday life/job in the future?

By which I mean what specific AI projects can you see expanding to such a degree that they’ll become indispensable to everyday things (i.e. hobbies, specific jobs, travel, learning, etc.), essentially anything you do often or regularly enough that AI could have significant influence making those activities easier/ more “streamlined”/ more enjoyable/ less time-consuming, depending on what we’re talking about ofc.

Personally I’ve been looking into various LLM since being a Classics major they kind of obviously interest me the most. Chat GPT4 was my portal into the world of AI, and the rapid progress LLM projects in general have made in 2023 has made me hyped about how close it can come to a prototype of a GI. On a practical level, I have a lot of correspondence on a daily basis and sometimes seminar papers in languages I’m only partially fluent in, so the possibility of having an active translator or an AI translation partner/ language acquisition helper would literally put all the tediousness out of it, aside from logically just making it more fun and less of a hassle for me. I’m still experimenting and testing around with various prompts on GPT to see how much this model can learn, and how much it can output, and as a layman I was pretty surprised at how accurate it can be sometimes.

This is also how I came across Tandem GTP and Personal AI. Tandem is more geared toward language acquisition per se, and it seems to function pretty well, though not on the level I need it to unfortunately, with various prompts just not giving the feedback I’d like (I guess it’s just not specialized enough for the I guess “scholarly” work I do, but it’s OK for general language learning and it did wonders in helping me improve my Portuguese particularly).

On the other hand, Personal AI interested me because of the ability to generate different custom personas, inputting different prompts in each, and basically tailor an AI to create a bespoke answer machine/ personal assistant, especially when it comes to answering relatively common questions from different correspondents. It seems a pretty handy tool to have in your pocket, especially when there’s a lot of manual communication that can be comfortably automated (to some degree)

I’m still pretty new to this, but these AI projects (LLM and NLP) are what interests me the most because of my profession. It’s also what might one day put me out of work (well, if LLM projects develop into a prototype GI, and to such an extent that it can interpret textual nuances as well as a human could during my lifetime).
This is all based on my personal concerns and previous experience with AI (which is pretty small I admit). What about yourselves — in what specific facets of your life can you see its influence that hype you up the most?

submitted by /u/First-Interaction741
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