How can Hoody AI provide uncensored Sonnet?
How can Hoody AI provide uncensored Sonnet?

How can Hoody AI provide uncensored Sonnet?

So, I have a Premium account there and also a Pro account on Claude, however, I wonder how Hoody can achieves a lower level of censorship than Claude itself.

For example, when doing prompts about breastfeeding and if it reduces intelligence later-on in life compared to formula-fed babies, Claude official website practically doesn't want to talk about it, but when putting the same prompt on Hoody AI, it replies right away and actually point out that it reduces IQ by 4-7 points on average to use formula.

Is it because they inject a system prompt of some sort or is it simply because using the API do that? How can I achieve the same thing via Claude myself?

I've noticed a similar pattern via Openroutr, prompts seems much less censored.

submitted by /u/maricelopes1
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