How can a layperson tell if images they see on the news are AI generated?
How can a layperson tell if images they see on the news are AI generated?

How can a layperson tell if images they see on the news are AI generated?

If the news isn't real, if we can never again know, why does anybody keep watching.

I feel like, now that we know it has passed the uncanny valley, it is coming to get us. I respectfully suggest to put it back in the box until we figure out some rules.

And if there are really no laws that can protect us from capitalism, or government is clueless or powerless, or corporations finally own all of the money, or we really can't ever put anything important back in the box, we're fucked.

It's not that I just don't trust the news. We literally can't ever know if an image we see on any website on any device is real or AI generated for us in a quantum instant and possibly containing hallucination.

They thought they could handle the velociraptor since brachiosaurus was so gentle.

submitted by /u/Not_a_Replika
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