How Big Tech is co-opting the rising stars of artificial intelligence
How Big Tech is co-opting the rising stars of artificial intelligence

How Big Tech is co-opting the rising stars of artificial intelligence

  • Big Tech's dominance in the artificial intelligence (AI) industry is growing as start-ups like Anthropic rely on their computing power and resources.

  • Despite creating breakthrough AI technology, these start-ups still need the support of Big Tech to scale and succeed.

  • The training of AI systems is expensive and requires specialized computer chips and data centers, which are mostly controlled by Amazon, Google, and Microsoft.

  • Regulators, including the Federal Trade Commission and French competition authorities, are monitoring the industry for signs of anticompetitive behavior.

  • Some business leaders believe that competition and efficiency will eventually drive down the cost of running AI models.

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submitted by /u/NuseAI
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