How about an AI-curated website/magazine with the best, latest AI news?
How about an AI-curated website/magazine with the best, latest AI news?

How about an AI-curated website/magazine with the best, latest AI news?

Hi there. This is a wonderful sub, and it's hard to please everyone on SUCH a broad topic... but it's intriguing to think about, as a lifelong magazine fan (and websites of course) - about using AI to filter, craft and create an amazing website/magazine ABOUT AI - well-categorized, maybe also human/editor curated/tweaked, but as fresh as ... well, the artificial sub but out of the Reddit bold/design into something ... well, something I'd read, visit a lot and love to help make work as a writer/editor (on the side of my "real" all-consuming gig of course;-)

After all, if AI can 'make great code'/create great websites, maybe some folks out there are already trying to make this happen, for ease of information availability and organization. I can picture the departments/sections/categories now - I bet you can too!

Anyone gone very far down that road yet (maybe the folks already doing the PC Magazines of the world) of organizing the vast fast-moving info beyond the AI Brews, Ben Parr's AI Analyst, etc.? Fun or a life-long journalist and tech geek (but not a coder, gamer etc.) to think about, at least!

submitted by /u/barneylerten
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