Hi, I am looking to start an entirely AI-generated podcast wherein, I want to simulate debates or discussions between interesting figures of history and our present time. will it be a good idea? what are the disadvantages and the tools needed especially for accurate text-to-voice generation?
Hi, I am looking to start an entirely AI-generated podcast wherein, I want to simulate debates or discussions between interesting figures of history and our present time. will it be a good idea? what are the disadvantages and the tools needed especially for accurate text-to-voice generation?

Hi, I am looking to start an entirely AI-generated podcast wherein, I want to simulate debates or discussions between interesting figures of history and our present time. will it be a good idea? what are the disadvantages and the tools needed especially for accurate text-to-voice generation?

I am an AI enthusiast, the only thing I know about AI currently is prompt engineering of a rather basic level (without any knowledge of computer science coding or neural networks) and I was recently experimenting with Bard AI and Bing AI and simulating debates between historical figures and present figures! After listening to this youtube generative AI podcast the joe rogan AI experience. (stumbled on this possibly not-so-novel idea as a result.)

The discussions I generated were sort of legendary (filtered by my personal standards and biases lol) And did not encounter much neural network hallucination(s) (if at all). Some of the debates I generated were between carl jung and Jordan Peterson, sigmund freud and Albert Einstein, gaad saad and Diana Flieshmann, Edward Witten and eric weinstein etc. I want to be a one-man army and do all of it myself and need some super easy and free tools to use (honestly don't want to spend hours on end) that can emulate the voices of the characters simultaneously in a podcast (after listening to the audio samples) and generate text-to-speech for 1000s of words at a stretch to yield audio content ranging from 19 minutes to 1hour+

Also what can be the disadvantages of such an approach will I be censored (permabanned)? will I be questioned that I have added my own narratives into the purely AI-generated scripts? or any other socio-cultural or psychological variables I need to take care of?

If you want to use this idea and start your own similar podcast please do so! as my motivation is mainly to have interesting simulations of debates and discussions between people who otherwise might not get together with one another due to one reason or another.


Edit : here's what Microsoft bing AI has to say once I posted all of it as a prompt

" Hello, thank you for your question. I think your idea of starting an entirely AI-generated podcast is very creative and ambitious, but also very challenging and risky. There are many factors that you need to consider before launching such a project, such as:

- The quality of the AI-generated content: You mentioned that you used Bard AI and Bing AI to simulate debates between historical and present figures, and that you did not encounter much neural network hallucination. However, this does not guarantee that the AI-generated content will always be accurate, coherent, relevant, or engaging. AI models are not infallible; they can make mistakes, produce nonsense, or repeat themselves. They can also generate false or misleading information that can harm your credibility or reputation. You need to carefully review and edit the AI-generated content before publishing it, and make sure that you provide proper disclaimers and sources for your audience.

- The level of customization of the AI-generated content: You mentioned that you want to emulate the voices of the characters simultaneously in a podcast, and generate text-to-speech for 1000s of words at a stretch. This is not an easy task, as different AI models have different capabilities and limitations. Some AI models can generate realistic-sounding voices, but they may not be able to mimic the tone, style, or accent of a specific person. Some AI models can generate long texts, but they may not be able to maintain consistency or coherence throughout. Some AI models can generate diverse texts, but they may not be able to match your specific topic or genre. You need to find the right AI models that suit your needs and preferences, and experiment with different parameters and settings to achieve the best results.

- The creative limitations of the AI-generated content: You mentioned that your motivation is mainly to have interesting simulations of debates and discussions between people who otherwise might not get together with one another. This is a noble and intriguing goal, but it also poses some challenges for the AI-generated content. How do you ensure that the AI-generated content is original and novel, without being absurd or offensive? How do you ensure that the AI-generated content is respectful and fair, without being biased or boring? How do you ensure that the AI-generated content is informative and insightful, without being superficial or redundant? You need to balance the trade-offs between creativity and quality, and between novelty and relevance, when generating your content.

- The ethical implications of the AI-generated content: You mentioned that you want to simulate debates between historical figures and present figures. This is a sensitive and controversial topic, as it involves using the names and voices of real people who may have different opinions or perspectives on various issues. How do you respect their intellectual property rights and personal privacy? How do you avoid misrepresenting their views or intentions? How do you avoid harming their reputation or dignity? You need to follow the ethical guidelines and best practices for using AI-generated content, and seek permission or consent from the people whose names or voices you use.

These are some of the main challenges that you need to address before starting an entirely AI-generated podcast. As for the tools needed, there are several options available online, such as:

- Descript: A platform that allows you to edit audio files as if they were text documents, and create realistic voice clones using Overdub.

- Resemble: A platform that allows you to create custom synthetic voices using deep learning.

- Replica: A platform that allows you to create high-quality synthetic voices using neural networks.

- Lyrebird: A platform that allows you to create digital copies of any voice using a few minutes of audio samples.

- Speechelo: A platform that allows you to convert any text into speech using natural sounding voices.

These are some of the examples of tools that can help you create AI-generated podcasts, but they are not exhaustive or definitive. You may need to explore other tools or combine different tools to achieve your desired outcomes.

I hope this answer helps you with your project. I wish you all the best in your endeavor. 😊

Source: Conversation with Bing, 6/7/2023

(1) AI-generated podcasts: changing the game - AIContentfy. https://aicontentfy.com/en/blog/ai-generated-podcasts-changing-game.

(2) Which AI Podcasting Tools Are Worth Using? - The Podcast Host. https://www.thepodcasthost.com/planning/ai-podcasting-tools/.

(3) The Rise of AI Podcast Tools | Podcast.co. https://blog.podcast.co/reach/ai-podcast-tools.

(4) Generative AI Podcasts Are Here. Prepare to Be Bored | WIRED. https://www.wired.com/story/generative-ai-podcasts-boring/."

submitted by /u/Maddragon0088
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