Hey Reddit, Let’s Team Up to Give ChatGPT a Much-Needed Nudge! 🚀
Hey Reddit, Let’s Team Up to Give ChatGPT a Much-Needed Nudge! 🚀

Hey Reddit, Let’s Team Up to Give ChatGPT a Much-Needed Nudge! 🚀

Hey Reddit, Let’s Team Up to Give ChatGPT a Much-Needed Nudge! 🚀

Hey folks!

Have you guys been feeling like ChatGPT’s getting a bit lazy these days? You’re not alone in this – I’ve been there too, and it’s pretty frustrating. 😅

Remember when ChatGPT used to be all about giving us sharp, complete code and straight-to-the-point answers? Lately, it feels like we’re getting half-baked responses and spending more time arguing than actually getting stuff done. It’s like talking to a stubborn robot! 🤖

So, here’s a thought: Why don’t we team up and let OpenAI know we miss the good old ChatGPT? I’ve put together a friendly little petition asking for a few reasonable things:

1. Better Coding Responses: We all miss those complete, spot-on code answers. 2. Quality Conversations: If we’re capped on messages, each one should be worth it, right? 3. Choice of ChatGPT Version: Sometimes, the older versions just got us better. 

I’m thinking, if enough of us get together on this, we could really make a difference. It’s all about making ChatGPT the helpful buddy it used to be.

Fancy joining in? 🙌 Just drop a quick signature on the petition: https://chng.it/x9T5kMx9Qt

Let’s bring back the ChatGPT we know and love, not just for us, but for everyone who uses it. Every signature counts!

submitted by /u/666marat666
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