Help needed with langchain
Help needed with langchain

Help needed with langchain

Hello there,

I have been reading Langchain documentation but some things don't seem to be working.

I have scrapped more than 100 Web pages about the topic I'm interested in. When I'm going to obtain the embeddings from OpenAI using ChromaDB and vectorstore I get an error. Something like the array doesn't have a uniform dimension.

The error happens just sometimes

Also, after that, if I create a conversational chain from the documents, the result is not good. The bot answers are often wrong.

It is not clear to me what are the different parameters that I can tune to get a better performance: more documents, different model, etc.

But even more important, why I'm having that error when getting embeddings? It doesn't seem to have to do with the documents.

That's why I'm looking for a good resource beyond langchain documentation. A tutorial for building something similar to what I'm building and shed some light on these issues.

Thanks in advance for the help!

submitted by /u/josejorgexl
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