He got Facebook hooked on AI. Now he can’t fix its misinformation addiction
He got Facebook hooked on AI. Now he can’t fix its misinformation addiction

He got Facebook hooked on AI. Now he can’t fix its misinformation addiction

  • Facebook's addiction to spreading misinformation and hate speech is a result of its AI algorithms.

  • Joaquin Quiñonero Candela, a director of AI at Facebook, was tasked with fixing the problem but was only focused on addressing AI bias.

  • The Responsible AI team failed to make headway against misinformation and hate speech because it never made those problems its main focus.

  • The spread of lies and hate speech on Facebook has only grown, contributing to genocidal campaigns and the promotion of dangerous falsehoods.

  • The algorithms that underpin Facebook's business were designed to maximize engagement, not filter out false or inflammatory content.

Source : https://www.technologyreview.com/2021/03/11/1020600/facebook-responsible-ai-misinformation/

submitted by /u/NuseAI
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