Have AI Search an Image (not for an image)
Have AI Search an Image (not for an image)

Have AI Search an Image (not for an image)

Is it possible to have ai search an image for a specific part?

For example if I have 100 images. I’d like ai to look at each image for a specific thing like a hand for example, and then mark it. Return the image and show me where the hand is at.

Maybe I could show it some parts of different photos like different hats and then have it search pictures and tell me if they have hats in them.

This is different than searching online for photos with hats. I want to give a collection of photos and have ai search those photos for me.

This is pretty advanced. I’m sure it exists. I’m not sure it’s available for us to use yet though.

Any help?

submitted by /u/RecognitionSilver635
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