Hate for ChatGPT, why?
HHaattee ffoorr CChhaattGGPPTT,, wwhhyy??

Hate for ChatGPT, why?

So I've used this extensively for several different things. I've found it so useful to allow me to estimate the calories in food in order to calorie count.

I've used ChatGPT specifically because so far it's proven to be (to me at least) the most useful for what I want to accomplish, which is to find an answer to a relatively simple question quickly. Or sometimes, to confirm or deny an impression I am under.

However, I keep coming across resistance to ChatGPT. People are automatically dismissing anything I post if I research the subject using A.I. when all the A.I. is doing is understanding my question and searching the answer for me.

I appreciate this post is more of a rant. It's frustrating, I don't understand the resistance.

submitted by /u/Libertyforzombies
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