Has anyone worked on cross-attention encoding for alternative color spaces?
Has anyone worked on cross-attention encoding for alternative color spaces?

Has anyone worked on cross-attention encoding for alternative color spaces?

RGB color is what is used by VAE encoding and decoding as far as I know, but has anyone tried creating a VAE that takes CMYK or even arbitrary spectrum telemetry as input and can decode into other color spaces?

CMYK is perhaps not a great example, as I believe that CMYK is a proper subset of RGB (though the reverse is not true). But there are many color spaces used by a large variety of processes out there and I would think that being able to train models on their use would be helpful.

Then again, CMYK decoding could potentially be more useful than trying to covert from latent space to RGB to CMYK (e.g. for print).

I did a few quick searches on Google Scholar and basic web search, and didn't see anything, but this is not my area of expertise.

submitted by /u/Tyler_Zoro
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