Google’s new quantum computer can finish calculations in an instant, which would take today’s #1 supercomputer 47 years
Google’s new quantum computer can finish calculations in an instant, which would take today’s #1 supercomputer 47 years

Google’s new quantum computer can finish calculations in an instant, which would take today’s #1 supercomputer 47 years

Google's latest beast of a quantum computer is blowing everyone else out of the water. It's making calculations in a blink that'd take top supercomputers almost half a century to figure out!

(Well, 47 years to be exact)

Here's the gist: This new quantum from Google has 70 qubits (the building blocks of quantum computing). That's a whole 17 more than their last machine, which might not sound like much, but in quantum land, that's a huge deal.

It basically means 241 million times more powerful!

But what does that mean in practice? It'd take the world's current number one supercomputer, Frontier, over 47 years to do what Google's new quantum machine can do in an instant.

As always, there's controversy. Some critics are saying the task used for testing was too much in favor of quantum computers and isn't super useful outside of science experiments.

But we're pushing boundaries here, folks, and this is one big step towards 'utility quantum computing,' where quantum computers do stuff that benefits all of us in ways we can't even imagine right now.

What might those be? Well, imagine lightning-fast data analysis, creating more accurate weather forecasts, developing life-saving medicines, or even helping in solving complex climate change issues.
The potential is huge, and while we're not there yet, we're certainly getting closer.


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