Google wants governments to form a ‘global AI corps’
Google wants governments to form a ‘global AI corps’

Google wants governments to form a ‘global AI corps’

  • Google is calling on governments to strengthen their AI training and skilling initiatives and develop a 'global AI corps'.

  • The tech giant's white paper urges governments to expand certificate and skilling programs, build local research centers, and focus on channeling AI's potential benefits.

  • Google also supports the idea of creating an 'AI education bill' to retrain and skill at least 1 million people, similar to the GI Bill for veterans.

  • The paper is expected to guide Google's approach to regulatory talks in Washington.

  • Google's white paper arrives as Senate lawmakers discuss boosting AI development while setting guardrails around its use.

  • President Biden's AI executive order, which aims to guide the federal government's deployment of AI tools, is seen as having 'very promising elements' by Google.

  • However, there are still questions about how federal agencies will write and implement guidelines around AI use.

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submitted by /u/NuseAI
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