Gnothi: open-source AI journal. Insights & resources include GPT-powered prompt -which uses entry history as context – behavior analysis, book recommendations, entry summaries, and recurring themes.
Gnothi: open-source AI journal. Insights & resources include GPT-powered prompt -which uses entry history as context – behavior analysis, book recommendations, entry summaries, and recurring themes.

Gnothi: open-source AI journal. Insights & resources include GPT-powered prompt -which uses entry history as context – behavior analysis, book recommendations, entry summaries, and recurring themes.

Website, Github. My partner u/mVadr and I just launched Gnothi (v1). We’re both psychology/personal development enthusiasts who work in tech. We started Gnothi to get us journaling more, and to leverage machine learning to optimize the process.

Overview of features: * Journal free. Unlimited entries. We created this to use in our daily lives. Helped our mental health and having clear direction in life. * Prompt premium. In the GPT era, we all know prompt. What's different is Gnothi uses your prior entries (based on filters) as background context for the conversation, so you don't need to set the stage with GPT. You can just ask what you want to ask. I recommend trying this on a dream. Record a dream, run the dream interpretation prompt preset, and be amazed. Dream interpretation was an aha moment in our journey through the quantified self. * Recommended next-entry premium. Don't know what to write about today? Gnothi will help you get started, based on the depth salience of prior entries. * Books free. Recommendations for reading based on your journal entries. My favorite feature. * Behaviors free. Habitica (which I created in 2012) was a great tooth-sharpener on habit-formation. Gnothi provides habit-analysis using machine learning. At present, it's correlation analysis via XGBoost: what behaviors (alcohol, exercise, etc) correlate with the behavior under scrutiny (sleep, mood, etc). Gnothi will guess your behavior for today (eg guesses your mood as 4.5 of 5, based on other factors) and show overall top influencers (drinking has the strongest overall impact). Soon we’ll add cause-effect analysis through causal inference (DoWhy). It's a powerful concept: "what's the first domino?" as in "what should I focus on to sleep better?” (excluding the intermediates). * Summaries & Themes free optimized with Premium. Each entry is summarized in the dashboard for quick scanning/searching. An emoji is applied to your entry. Themes are useful to see what's on repeat in your life. Super helpful for identifying patterns, recurring issues. * Multi-Entry Analysis via filters. Because filters drive all insights/resources in real time. When you apply filters in the dashboard (tags, dates, search), all AI is re-calculated based on the result. Create tags for different topics like, work, relationships, dreams, etc. House general entries in the “main” tag. For example, if you select the “work” tag, all the book recommendations, a summary, and themes will be based on those entries. You can also use Prompt to get feedback and dive deeper with all of the work-related entries as context. * Single-Entry Analysis. When you open a single entry, the AI insights that populate will be isolated to that entry. Use Prompt to ask AI questions and introspect. Especially great for book recommendations related to what you’ve just written about.

Gnothi is free to use. The goal is really to take a tool that we created - that’s helpful for us - and make it available for anyone to use. There are some costs to running the free version, but they’re relatively minimal so we’re absorbing them. The insights are not nearly as impressive as our Premium membership but, with over 1,000 users, it’s clear that people see value in it. The premium features cost more to run. It’s a way for people to get access to optimized features via GPT. Likewise, it’s a source of financial support for us to keep building new features, and improve upon what’s already been created.

Feel free to check out our Github repo. Always looking to connect with contributors. If you try it out and have any thoughts, you can reach out via discord and/or submit issues/questions on our repo.

submitted by /u/lefnire
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