Giving AI unlimited access to the internet by web browser
Giving AI unlimited access to the internet by web browser

Giving AI unlimited access to the internet by web browser

Interesting experiment i thought of.

What if we gave AI access to web browser, and let it do whatever it wants? It could create accounts on any social media, email accounts, ad comments everywhere and such.

of course, ai by itself does not have any agenda or need to do anything, so ai would need to be fed some kind of personality simulation first. Lets say ai was either fed personality based on extensive twitter or reddit history of someone's post. Using that, basic psychological traits, beliefs and maybe goals could be determined.

Such ai would simulate person sitting in fromt of pc, so it would need to parse the content of webpages, but i don't think it would be that of a problem. And it would maybe also have access to some bank account fith some money to maybe pay for online subscriptions and such. But who knows, maybe thanks to simulating someone's personality, it would attempt to donate money to some charity or lose it on onlyfans?

submitted by /u/rogaldorn88888
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