Future of Content Creation with AI
Future of Content Creation with AI

Future of Content Creation with AI

A paper has been published to address these issues which uses auto regressive models to solve these problems.

The key components of the model: - Autoregressive Modelling: it ensures global coherence in elements like props, characters - Diffusion Rendering: Converts predicted visual tokens into high quality frames - Multimodal Script : A script that includes detailed descriptions of scenes

The future of Content Creation by Video Generation Models : - Few shot learning for Customization: Having the ability to personalize content based on a few user provided queries suggests users will be able to create their own content. For example, their own shows or YT videos.

  • No more anime: This may make animation obsolete why use anime when you can use ai generated humans to perform similar roles.

  • Democratization of Content Creation : As the costs of creating content will go down we will see more small studios and creators pop up similar to what YouTube did. Moreover, this could result in Hollywood producing more diverse set of movies rather than few big blockbusters.

Let me know what you think of the future of content creation .

submitted by /u/MinuteDistribution31
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