Future media consumption with AI
Future media consumption with AI

Future media consumption with AI

Lately I've been listening to an audiobook for The Mote in God's Eye. This is the 4th book I've listened to while working in the past couple of weeks.

This has gotten me thinking about our current method of media consumption.

I wonder if in the future AI companies will create royalty licenses for books, videos, and games to use their likeness for cross-media uses?

What I mean by this is creating series, movies, or games from books or turning movies into games or games into videos/stories.

I do my best to keep current with AI models and their multimodal capabilities. With a powerful and robust model isn't it feasible that this is an eventuality? (I'm speaking on the cross-media eventuality, not royalties. I picked that up from how the music industry licenses songs for use in commercials and movies.)

Thoughts on this? Is there a book you'd like to play or watch? A game you'd love to listen to a story of or a movie/series that would be an awesome game to play? Maybe even VR worlds you'd like to be in?

submitted by /u/CornFedBread
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