Fujifilm X-T5 – Powerful APSC Pack
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Fujifilm X-T5 – Powerful APSC Pack

The most recent rendition of the Fujifilm camera presents noteworthy advancements compared to its predecessor, the 26.2MP Fujifilm X-T4. Aside from the augmented pixel density, the camera has now acquired advanced autofocus features that enable identification of subjects, as well as the capacity to capture 6K videos at a 30 fps rate. Regrettably, this also results in a slight 1.23x cropping effect. The recently launched gadget boasts a more compact build similar to the X-T1 and is equipped with a screen that can tilt in three directions instead of being fully customizable.

The post Fujifilm X-T5 – Powerful APSC Pack appeared first on Vinod Sharma's Blog.