Free courses and guides for learning Generative AI
Free courses and guides for learning Generative AI

Free courses and guides for learning Generative AI

  1. Generative AI learning path by Google Cloud. A series of 10 courses on generative AI products and technologies, from the fundamentals of Large Language Models to how to create and deploy generative AI solutions on Google Cloud [Link].
  2. Generative AI short courses by DeepLearning.AI - Five short courses on generative AI including LangChain for LLM Application Development, How Diffusion Models Work and more. [Link].
  3. LLM Bootcamp: A series of free lectures by The full Stack on building and deploying LLM apps [Link].
  4. Building AI Products with OpenAI - a free course by CoRise in collaboration with OpenAI [Link].
  5. Free Course by Activeloop on LangChain & Vector Databases in Production [Link].
  6. Pinecone learning center - Lots of free guides as well as complete handbooks on LangChain, vector embeddings etc. by Pinecone [Link].
  7. Build AI Apps with ChatGPT, Dall-E and GPT-4 - a free course on Scrimba [Link].
  8. Gartner Experts Answer the Top Generative AI Questions for Your Enterprise - a report by Gartner [Link]
  9. GPT best practices: A guide by OpenAI that shares strategies and tactics for getting better results from GPTs [Link].
  10. OpenAI cookbook by OpenAI - Examples and guides for using the OpenAI API [Link].
  11. Prompt injection explained, with video, slides, and a transcript from a webinar organized by LangChain [Link].
  12. A detailed guide to Prompt Engineering by DAIR.AI [Link]
  13. What Are Transformer Models and How Do They Work. A tutorial by Cohere AI [Link]
  14. Learn Prompting: an open source course on prompt engineering[Link]

P.S. These resources are part of the content I share through my AI-focused newsletter. Thanks!

submitted by /u/wyem
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