Feedback on Github Project: Automate any task with a single AI Command.
Feedback on Github Project: Automate any task with a single AI Command.

Feedback on Github Project: Automate any task with a single AI Command.

Feedback on Github Project: Automate any task with a single AI Command.

We noticed that some LLM powered agents end up in infinite loops. With careful prompt engineering and specific UI/UX choices, we managed to create agents that can complete tasks consistently.

Example Task: Create a boilerplate template for a full stack application

🔎 Call for Feedback: We invite the community to try out Nuggt and provide valuable feedback. Let us know your thoughts, suggestions, and any improvements you'd like to see. Your feedback will help us shape the future of Nuggt and make it even better.

🔗 Find Nuggt on GitHub (We are looking for collaborators):

PS: While our current implementation leverages the power of GPT-3.5, we recognise the need for cost-effective solutions without compromising functionality. Our ongoing efforts involve exploring and harnessing the potential of smaller models like Vicuna 13B, ensuring that task automation remains accessible to a wider audience.

submitted by /u/Loya_3005
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