Exactly how easy/difficult is it to grant something AI capabilities? What does it do?
Exactly how easy/difficult is it to grant something AI capabilities? What does it do?

Exactly how easy/difficult is it to grant something AI capabilities? What does it do?

Obviously, AI is everywhere in the news now. It seems like every other product is boasting about "AI-powered" - by which I assume that it has an API linked to OpenAI or something similar.

I only have a journeyman knowledge of coding, but as I understand it, that in itself is not that hard to do (you have to pay licensing, of course) Does that grant the app access to ChatGPT (or whatever engine it has) functionality? What else does it do?

I myself am not a huge fan of AI (for reasons I won't go into here) but I always seek to update my knowledge and learn more - and I mistrust the media which tends to blow everything out of proportion.

submitted by /u/Paradoxbuilder
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