Every AI Image generator model does only Asian. And other annoying shit.
Every AI Image generator model does only Asian. And other annoying shit.

Every AI Image generator model does only Asian. And other annoying shit.

I've used many webpages from the shittiest to the ones that are useful, they all have different models most of which are across the many websites that I've used then it seems like they all generate different stuff depending on the website itself, many models, many diffusers, many settings, the hardware / software, etc.

I don't use the sign up shit ones, credit shit ones, give your phone shit ones, those can only generate a narrow amount of themes and are heavily censored, we want the good stuff, shit that doesn't makes sense, no one wants logical things, it's called creativity for a reason.

Here comes the problem, when you try to make people that does not exist and with no reference, trying to make fantasy or turn the fantasy into reality like "Man with green skin", because it isn't hulk it makes an Asian man with green clothes, it will never matter how you write it, it will always make an Asian man with something green but the skin, you go "Man with green skin like hulk", it forgets about the man and makes hulk instead, or makes an Asian man and hulk next to him, I've noticed that any website I've been once you start asking for things it doesn't knows how to do them, it goes full Asian, like it can't figure it out from scratch how a single man would look with green skin, I don't hate Asians but there is no point if the AI can't do the things, that's the whole point of AI image generators, you get what you write, in less than a few minutes for free, cry about xenophobia, what if Asian want Americans? What if Indians want Russians? this issue seems persistent across many models... There is an infinite amount of non Asian images of people and the AI's insist that they aren't real.

I have a simple test to see if a website is useful, you write what you get, if it is ignoring words and doing shit it wasn't requested then you know it's bad, this includes something like "Green Lion kicking a man up the ass" something that doesn't happens in real life, something that isn't normal, something that normal people won't write, no model is trained for everything, based on how close it gets the usefulness can be measured. Let the good surprises hit you in the face, the problem is when it ignores your prompts and the negatives ones.

They can make normal things like forests or average shit any normal person would want with overly unrealistic and exaggerated visuals with professional camera effects like any nature or landscape photo but then something like "Deep sea fish angler fish" doesn't yields anything useful, instead of getting an ugly fish from the abyss national geographic style, it's just a shit generic gray fish, no glowing, no sharp teeth, no matter how you write it, no matter how explicit the words are, it fails, 100% of the times.

This is odd as there are many well documented material related to deep see fish yet it can't do it, not even figure it out from scratch, with the lion example it would more likely give a man and a lion in the savanna looking at each other, no kicking, no fighting and the green skin is more likely grass or the man's clothes, it will give the man it's nationality based on the "African setup" and more likely you can try forever to give another nationality or give the Lion a rhino horn, the AI's couldn't change anything, it will always be a man and a lion doing nothing, it is wired to normal things, the best I got was 2 green muscular lions fighting.

Apart from the nonsense and un-logical scenarios the AI is also unable to be complex at the things it was trained to do, A silent hill landscape with flesh walls will give you a generic city at night, detailed and stuff but no flesh, any fantasy picture / drawing will always be overly complicated, highly detailed painting, the same fucking artstyle, you cannot get just a simple cartoon like a 2D, just flat colors and black outlines, no... that only makes it Disney style still with some level of realistic painting, a human with green skin, you get green clothes, or green suits, latex, leather, slime, body paint but never green skin like hulk, It can't be creative and figure things out unless you mention hulk directly and it will forget everything else and do only hulk. Want a real life vampire? Here have fantasy instead, Want a real life android? Here have a toy robot, Want a Dog and A cat pissing of a Pig? Have a cat forget about the others, nothing...

submitted by /u/CommanderRainbowDuck
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