Ethics of data sets generated by minors
Ethics of data sets generated by minors

Ethics of data sets generated by minors

I’m curious to hear your perspectives on an AI art ethical quandary. We have a lot of minors in the public eye who are filmed and photographed constantly from a very young age. That data is incorporated into training ai models. We also have a contingency of people generating nude images of these public figures as soon as they’re 18 years old and “legal” in the US.

These images of these “18-year-old” celebrities are composites of images taken of them as minors. Where do you draw the line between minor and adult in that scenario?

From one perspective we are composites of our minor selves on our 18th birthdays, but thereafter distinction between the way we develop and the way an ai image develops. What are your thoughts?

submitted by /u/acatinasweater
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