Ethical AI
Ethical AI

Ethical AI

So I am doing this free online course by, on Ai Ethics, and they keep using Google as an example. I have no idea whether Googles AI ethics are, or are not as ethical as Google state. But i am finding it kind of annoying that in this course they keep referring to Googles ethics in AI development as a good example of AI Ethics dine properly, without ever giving any proof of this, (it feels like the course designers are just taking whatever Google publicise as truth without testing it).

Given a lot of the major breakthroughs in AI development have been made by large profit driven organisations, how can anyone be naive enough to think the ethics of the large corporates building AI machines are entirely 100% ethical and altruistic??

This is the course:

In general, I like for their huge range of free courses, and think it is a great site, but I just wonder why this particular course, so far anyway, feels like there is no opportunity for dialogue or discussion or any attempt to introduce differing viewpoints from the "Google is building ethical AI" one? Did Google buy or something? Lol

There doesn't seem to be any class chat where these things can be discussed on the site, so I am defaulting to reddit for some genuine unbiased opinions, lol....

submitted by /u/Striking_Voice_3531
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