Easy way to do AI song cover with different lyrics from the original?
Easy way to do AI song cover with different lyrics from the original?

Easy way to do AI song cover with different lyrics from the original?

Hi, I know next to nothing about AI so please bear with me if this is a dumb/naive question but I was wondering if there’s any way to make an AI program sing an existing song but with lyrics that I have written myself (in another language). Basically, I’ve done a fan translation of a Japanese song and want to upload it online but not being a singer myself, I wanted to see if there were any beginner-friendly AI programs that could do the singing for me. The voice doesn't have to be perfect, just clear enough for people to hear the lyrics (I'm guessing it takes a fair amount of skill and experience for you to actually make the song sound good/human-like. That's not necessary for my purposes. What I need more than anything is ease of use).

submitted by /u/unexpectedexpectancy
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