Does the paid subscription to Chat GPT provides a significant improvement over free alternatives when you try to find complex scientific and technical information?
Does the paid subscription to Chat GPT provides a significant improvement over free alternatives when you try to find complex scientific and technical information?

Does the paid subscription to Chat GPT provides a significant improvement over free alternatives when you try to find complex scientific and technical information?

I'm often using Chat GPT or Bing (Bard is not her available in my country) when I'm looking for something that is relatively complex in the scientific or technical field and I don't have enough background to make a keywords research or when the question is too complex for it. Then, for scientific topics, I try to get a confirmation with Google using the keywords in the generated answer and google. For technical topics I can often check if it works.

Some examples:

For cooking, a topic I don't master enough to ask questions with the best keywords...

Are the spicy compounds of Ginger soluble in water or oil ? > I will get me to know that "the gingerol is liposoluble", what can be more easily checked in Google.

Or for 3D geometry, a topic where I have complex questions...

I want to place a 3D frame B so that the Z axis of the B frame point towards the world origin A. I know the angle Alpha between the Z axis of the frame B and The X,Y plane of A. I know the angle Beta between the X axis of A and the vector that goes from the center of A towards the projection of the center of B on the X,Y plane of A. How do you compute the homogeneous rotation matrix of B relative to A, knowing Alpha, Beta and the distance between the center of A and the center of B ?

Most of time, Bing and the free ChatGPT can answer. But sometimes they struggle or give incorrect answer.

Would ChatGPT plus paid subscription be helpful to find more accurate answers?

submitted by /u/x11ry0
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