Does anyone know if hybrid human-AI audiobooks would be acceptable to audiobook platforms that forbid AI only audiobooks?
Does anyone know if hybrid human-AI audiobooks would be acceptable to audiobook platforms that forbid AI only audiobooks?

Does anyone know if hybrid human-AI audiobooks would be acceptable to audiobook platforms that forbid AI only audiobooks?

I have a book that I wrote. I want to turn it into an audiobook using AI, and I want that audiobook to be sellable on all the audiobook platforms, even the ones that forbid AI-only audio.

I used AI to translate my book into several different languages and then I paid native language speakers to fully proofread and humanise the text. I was able to sell these translations on platforms that forbid AI-only translations.

Now I would like to do the same thing with Audiobooks. Currently, most of the major audiobook platforms forbid AI audio and/or allow it only if you use their AI to make the audio. What I would like to do is create an AI Audiobook and then fully 'humanise' the recording using a native speaker to edit the audio by doing things like adding pauses in the right places and, in some cases, using voice-to-voice to give the audio the correct intonation etc...

Does anyone know if this 'hybrid' audio would be acceptable to these platforms? Any other advice for me?

I guess my plan of action is to create the hybrid audio and then upload it and see what happens.

submitted by /u/Uk840
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