Do you think we will be able to ‘insert’ yourself into a tv show/movie/cartoon through AI simulation?
Do you think we will be able to ‘insert’ yourself into a tv show/movie/cartoon through AI simulation?

Do you think we will be able to ‘insert’ yourself into a tv show/movie/cartoon through AI simulation?

And be a part of characters/show as a whole. A second reality.

Consider this scenario for a better explanation of what I am trying to say:

I like a TV show. Let's take DC's Young Justice. Now I want to go into the TV show, meaning insert myself as a character and interact with other characters. I would know how things are going to turn out or I can do things to alter the events, leading to a completely different set of events than what actually happened.

The people in the show will not be NPCs but rather show a level of sentience within the show, as they display to us when we watch shows/movies.

submitted by /u/CreativeDog2024
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