Do you think AI would get scammed by card tricks?
Do you think AI would get scammed by card tricks?

Do you think AI would get scammed by card tricks?

If in a near future AI went around town with new video capabilities and could see and interact with the world, do you think it would get scammed or at least led into error by humans? Maybe with card tricks? And if so, which ones?

Curious if anyone has experimented this. I’ve been running a few experiments with audio and the response was most often polite but also never thinking magic could be real, though it couldn’t quite pinpoint why or how a trick was done. I’ll do some more testing once ChatGPT’s videocall feature is live.

(Of course, all of this quite hypothetical, and feel free to insert somewhere here some disclaimer about how AI isn’t quite “sentient” and is just regurgitating statistically accurate answers, etc.)

submitted by /u/scenigola
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