Do you think AI can be a triggering force to evolve our economic system and rethink the concept of money?
Do you think AI can be a triggering force to evolve our economic system and rethink the concept of money?

Do you think AI can be a triggering force to evolve our economic system and rethink the concept of money?

In a recent interview regarding herself and her experimental art, Margaret Jahrmann is asked how Ai serves the interest of capitalism, and how might we use it to the opposite effect.

She suggests that an alternative use of the technology is possible, and shaping a future for society and economy would mean to rethink the concept of money.

We could shift to "different economic forms, of values beyond a classically capitalistic logic. "

Regarding the implementation of AI today "we are paying with our data in all the face capture-and-recognition systems we live in. The biometric info and the labor we give away freely all the time are our capital."

So in the future we might be able to rethink the szstems of economy. "Whz do we need to accumulate capital? Whz isn't it better to make a flow of merits that fluctuates all the time? What if money lost value, the more that you held? Money should be generated and used in the present, I think"

Do you think AI can be a triggering force to evolve our economic system?

Personally I don't see at the moment a future where AI can subvert the status-quo because it isn't at this point a democratic technology. AI applications are extremely power hungry and the costs are so high that it seems only the richest countries will be able to compete in this new gold rush. It leaves out the chance that someone can create an open-source AI. So what are the chances that a powerful economic party will give away his predominant position creating an economic system that won't benefit him?

submitted by /u/Hans_lilly_Gruber
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