Do you think advanced AI should be regulated by an international body similar to the IAEA?
Do you think advanced AI should be regulated by an international body similar to the IAEA?

Do you think advanced AI should be regulated by an international body similar to the IAEA?

See the interview here:

AI theorist and regulatory adviser Demetrius Floudas argues that "advanced AI should be treated similar to WMDs" and therefore international control treaties should be negotiated.

What do you think? Is regulation the right approach? Could AGI be the atomic bomb of this century?

Also interesting: In the interview, Floudas introduces his theory about the AI era unfolding in 3 distinct phases:

1) ‘Protonoëtic’ era [from Ancient Greek: protos = first + noësis = intellect]: stage of AI progress – “During this era, we shall continue developing foundation models of increasing complexity, progressively superior to us within their circumscribed domain.”

2) ‘Mesonoëtic’ era [Gr. mesos = middle + noësis = intellect]: emergence of AGI, “possibly based on quantum computers.”

3) ‘Kainonoëtic’ era [kainos = new + noësis = intellect]: when superintelligence arises, “presumably by means of an AGI capable of recursive self-improvement.”

And he calls the possibility of artificial superintelligence the “second most likely explanation to the Fermi Paradox”…

What do you all make of this?

submitted by /u/lighght
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