Differences between being intelligent, educated, and having memorization.
Differences between being intelligent, educated, and having memorization.

Differences between being intelligent, educated, and having memorization.

I see a lot of confusion between these three terms, so I gave definitions with clear and concise examples. I’m open to criticism.

Intelligent Ability to discover knowledge by using only oneself’s mind. Usually through logic, or critically thinking

Situation: You were able to figure what someone was saying in a different language, through sheer intelligence.

Let’s pretend you’re a boy for a second.

Someone goes around saying “Tu es un niño”, and “Tu es un niña”. You know what “tu es un” means, it means “you are a”, but you don’t know what niña or niño means. He ends up asking you which one are you.

You figure out that means niño means boy and niña means girl, because he only told boys that they are niños, and girls that they are niñas. So you say you’re a niño, and get it right. You end up finding the knowledge without anyone’s help.

The one above it a logical argument, it makes sense. However if you just said “no i think it means profession because I said so” you wouldn’t follow logic, and would likely be wrong.

Educated Knowing something and understanding it but thanks to the help of outsiders.

Situation: You are able to figure out what someone is saying in a different language by asking them

Someone goes around saying “Tu es un niño”, and “Tu es un niña”. You don’t know what niña or niño means, so you ask him and find out what it means and say you’re a niño and get it right.

Memorization Knowing something, however they may or may not understand it.

Situation: Being able to communicate with someone speaking a different language. but not understand it.

Someone goes around saying “Tu es un niño”, and “Tu es un niña”. You don’t know what niña or niño means. You friend tells you to say niño, whenever he asks you a question. A few hours go by, and you still remember that advice. The same person asks you whether you’re niño or niña.

Even though you have no idea what it means, the person that asked you the question thinks you understand it.

(Yes I know there are other genders, I’m just not adding them all for simplicity.)

submitted by /u/Fluid-Joke-1705
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