Desperate for help with huge data extraction (literature review, mixed studies)
Desperate for help with huge data extraction (literature review, mixed studies)

Desperate for help with huge data extraction (literature review, mixed studies)

Not sure if this is posted in the right subreddit, please let me know if not.

Long time lurker, seldom poster (if ever!) but I'm stuck and really could use the power of the brains trust (aka reddit!).

I'm currently in the midst of doing a very large review (~600 included studies), and up to the data extraction phase which will include a basic table (includes info such as authors, year, country/location, population (if applicable), methods, theoretical underpinning (if applicable), outcomes, findings). I've used rayyan to help screen and using endnote to retrieve full texts (although I only have 20% at this stage!)

The focus at this stage will only be on 200 (categorised/labelled) of the 600 articles that focus on one aspect of a much broader topic.

My issue is that it's moving very slowly and I need to have something to present by the end of the week (50 articles should be more than acceptable). I'm thinking of using distillersr for data extraction, but I'm not sure how effective it will be. So, I have two questions related to the above:

  1. Is there an ai platform or assistant to help me retrieve full-text (ideally I could login with my institutional account to gain access to databases)?

  2. What tool (paid or otherwise), could do a preliminary data extraction that would allow me just to cross-check rather than trawl through each pdf individually for required information to populate the results table?

I'm concious of the learning curve that might be required, so something simple would be ideal! The extraction doesn't have to be overly detailed, and can be done in 'chunks' if needed (I know many platforms might not be able to handle that many articles at once?)

NGL, I'm getting desperate (hoping, praying, wishing doesn't seem to be working lol) and the overwhelm and desire to procrastinate and avoid this is making itself known.

Any suggestions, tips, ideas, leads etc would be infinitely appreciated!?

submitted by /u/deeplysubmerged
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