Desktop Client UI with Global Search for All LLM Convos?
Desktop Client UI with Global Search for All LLM Convos?

Desktop Client UI with Global Search for All LLM Convos?

I've been using Noi, for a few months, after trying Chatbox and a couple of other UIs. Noi has been great, especially with its Extensions, Prompts, and Hotkeys support.

However, I haven't been able to add Gemini v1.5 Pro with anything but read-only access. That 2M context token limit is huge, for me, so I've just been using Gem1.5 in a regular Thorium browser tab. My personal Browser Tab Reduction Act of 2024 seeks to reduce my overall quantity of tabs.

Noi also hasn't been updated since March 25th, and I see that Chatbox (updated May 15th) claims support for the Gemini 1.5 framework. I'll be switching desktop client UIs. Since I'll be switching desktop clients, anyway, I wanted to solicit your opinion about what's out there:

I'd like the ability to type my search keyword into the UI and have it search through all prior conversation with all LLMs. Does that feature exist in this type sort of desktop client?

If you're still reading, a separate bit: Are all of these desktop client UIs Electron-based? Is that done for their tight Chromium integration with the LLMs? Are there up-and-coming desktop clients with frameworks?

FWIW, in no particular order, I use ChatGPT Plus, Perplexity Pro, Gemini 1.5, and Claude 3.5 Sonnet. I'll also be soon switching from OpenRouter to self-hosted Ollama/OpenWebUI. Support for these is essential.

submitted by /u/aktiv8d
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