Deepfake election risks trigger EU call for more generative AI safeguards
Deepfake election risks trigger EU call for more generative AI safeguards

Deepfake election risks trigger EU call for more generative AI safeguards

  • The European Union is urging the implementation of more safeguards against the risks posed by generative AI tools to free and fair debate in democratic societies, especially during elections.

  • The EU's values and transparency commissioner has highlighted the potential threat of AI-generated disinformation to elections and called for platforms to be vigilant and provide efficient safeguards.

  • Mainstream platforms have made initial efforts to address the risks by implementing safeguards to inform users about the synthetic origin of content posted online.

  • The EU commissioner is meeting with representatives from OpenAI to discuss the issue.

  • An incoming pan-EU AI regulation, the EU AI Act, is expected to make user disclosures a legal requirement for generative AI technologies.

  • The EU's voluntary anti-disinformation Code has 44 signatories, including major social media and search platforms, as well as entities from the ad industry and civil society organizations.

  • Google, one of the signatories, has published a report discussing the social impacts of AI and its commitment to developing technology responsibly.

  • Google Search has published guidance on AI-generated content and plans to integrate new innovations in watermarking, metadata, and other techniques into its generative models.

  • The EU's Code of Practice on Disinformation is seen as a stop-gap measure until the EU AI Act is adopted and mandatory deepfake disclosures are enforced.

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submitted by /u/NuseAI
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