Custom-AI App
Custom-AI App

Custom-AI App

I need your expertise! I’m working on creating sets of Earth Science practice questions with multiple-choice answers for high school students. Some of these sets require images/data tables/graphs that students will reference to answer the question.

Essential Requirements:

  • Questions should test the application of knowledge, not just recall.
  • Question difficulty and format must be consistent.
  • Answer options should be plausible, distinct, and similar in length and detail.

Here's an example:

INSTEAD OF "How do scientists calculate the age of a star?" (this is a content recall question) → "Scientists calculate the age of a star by using Hertzsprung-Russell diagrams. These diagrams have the temperature of stars plotted against their brightness. Using the following graph (insert image), approximate the age of a star that is x degrees in temperature and x in brightness."

I’ve tried using Chat GPT-4, however I’m finding that it doesn’t remember the criteria for quality questions and frequently will give questions that rely upon recall. Additionally, Chat-GPT cannot generate images or graphs that I might use as stimuli to accompany the questions.

I have basic programming knowledge and I’m wondering if it's possible to create an automated tool to generate these questions and answers, and incorporate relevant images.

Which platforms or programming languages would be best to use for this task?

submitted by /u/guppyguyco
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