Creating a Useful Blog / News Feed Feed
Creating a Useful Blog / News Feed Feed

Creating a Useful Blog / News Feed Feed

Hi guys,

As part of my research, I ve been trying to keep track of all advancements in the field of NLP, LLM, Generative AI (and mostly groundbreaking news which could be useful) - and decided to put all of that in the form of a blog/newsletter (can be viewed here)

Some of the resources I keep track of are:

  • Main research sites (F.ex IEEE, SSRN, Springer etc.)
  • Development sites (Github Trending, Hugging Face, LangChain etc.)
  • Blogs and research sites (F.ex BAIR, MIT News etc.)
  • Findings from subcommunities and social media (F.ex Subreddits, Discord, Twitter, Telegram etc.)
  • General News (TechCrunch, Google News Feed etc.)

Im looking for feedback on:

a) What would the community find useful (what would you like your newsfeed, or news report to look like)

b) How could I improve this to make it better for the average audience interested in understanding the latest developments in the field (f.ex would more hands on tutorials, reviews etc. be more useful)?

Any tips or pointers would be very helpful.

submitted by /u/XhoniShollaj
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