Creating a set of character images
Creating a set of character images

Creating a set of character images

I would like to use an AI to create a "set" of images each in a certain style. I have drawn rough sketches of a bunch of character ideas, each with a different clothes, accessories, gestures, etc.I'd like an AI that can generate these 10 characters but all in the same style so they're all consistent. I'd like to be able to modify these images slightly too based off the result i.e. if it generates a character, and say I want to make its hair slightly more curly, I want to be able to do so only on this character without changing the overall style or the other characters (so basically each image is its own entity which I can slightly modify). What's my best option at doing that? Ideally I'd like an AI that can use any style (3D, low-poly, anime, painting, sketch, pixel art, etc.). Also, would it be possible to give the AI an image and ask it not to edit it whatsoever except for what I tell it?

submitted by /u/magnarogue
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