Courses (Paid and Free) to Learn AI and How to Implement in Industries (No coding)
Courses (Paid and Free) to Learn AI and How to Implement in Industries (No coding)

Courses (Paid and Free) to Learn AI and How to Implement in Industries (No coding)

Hello all,

I initially requested feedback on best courses to take to learn to implement AI solutions, but more from a holistic/strategic decision point of view. For example, for mid-high level managers and other leaders, whether in business or other areas. There are a lot of good courses on how to code, and begin actual doing the base AI but few on how to implement.

Here is the list I have so far, if anyone has done and has feedback on any (if worth it or not) I’d appreciate the comment. Also, if you have others, please do not hesitate.


· AI Foundations for Everyone- IBM

· Introduction to Generative AI, Learning path- Google

· Transform with your Business AI- Microsoft

· Extra: Making Friends with Machine Learning: The Entire Course on YouTube (this one came up in many posts)


· AI for Decision Making (certification) - Wharton School

· AI: Implications for Business Strategies (certification)- MIT

Thank you in advance and hope this info is useful

submitted by /u/JYanezez
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