Consumer-friendly, self-hosted, AI second brain?
Consumer-friendly, self-hosted, AI second brain?

Consumer-friendly, self-hosted, AI second brain?

I saw that Mycroft (now Neon and other projects) was once something along these lines, but still seem to be missing something.

Are there any companies building software and hardware (or at least recommending specific hardware) for self-hosted LM AI that can be fed your own documents, images, and other data so that you can chat with it about your own life?

Nothing cloud-based, just purely local with your data to train on and build a memory. We could write daily journals about our day, forward it emails, or link a calendar for example.

"Hey, Tim! It's Lisa's birthday next week. Remember a few months ago she said she really loves art? Well, you just out Eric's art show on your calendar for Saturday that you might attend. Why not grab something for Lisa and support both of your friends?"


"You mentioned in June that you really want to improve your KDA in League of Legends this year, and I found one of the YouTubers you've subscribed to just posted a new video about that. Here's the link."

Or, if I write in a journal that I'm feeling depressed, it replies with a kind recap of all of my biggest accomplishments of the year to help reframe my perspective.

With a strong enough hardware setup, shouldn't this be possible with our current limitations of AI? Is anyone trying to make this happen, or are we going to be stuck with cloud-based subscriptions to make AI chat stickers for the next decade as the dominant consumer-level AI product?

submitted by /u/anotherstiffler
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