Constructing Vocal Chords From Voice
Constructing Vocal Chords From Voice

Constructing Vocal Chords From Voice

Hi, I've been pondering a kind of far-fetched scenario for a while now. We are able to recognize sound waves very well, and we have a great understanding of how sound works. Using AI, would it be possible, with enough resources, to construct an estimated model of a person's vocal chords, mouth, or other factors that control sound based off of their voice? Furthering this scenario, could a computer program hypothetically guess basic information someone's age, height, etc. just by their microphone inputs? Like, imagine if you tried to play a game and the game could automatically guess (with not much certainty, given) your age range and gender, and use this to show you personalized ads. I'm not saying it's ethical, but the idea fascinates me and I'm curious if it would technically be possible. What do you think?

submitted by /u/Unhappy-Donut-6276
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