Computer VIsion AI which could help the blind play video games?
Computer VIsion AI which could help the blind play video games?

Computer VIsion AI which could help the blind play video games?


I don't think I have posted this here before, so I saw this as a good chance to throw this out there.

I lost my vision back in 2021, and ever since then, we have had this AI boom happening, and that has been great for several applications. The one application where I have still been hopefully looking everywhere, though, was some sort of computer vision AI I could run that would scan my PC screen, and allow me to ask questions if I get stuck in a video game.

FOr example, asking the AI "Hey, are there any chests on my screen?", or, "If there is a chest on my screen, where is it relative to my cursor?", type of questions.

This would open up so many avenues for me in video games, and allow me to play many more than I currently can. Has there been anything that I could use like this out there in the market at the moment?

submitted by /u/ChipsAhoiMcCoy
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