Collaborating with patients for better outcomes
Collaborating with patients for better outcomes

Collaborating with patients for better outcomes

Working as a doctor in the NHS for over 10 years, I felt that I had developed good understanding of how patients and their families felt when faced with an upsetting diagnosis or important health decision. I had been lucky with my own health, having only spent one night in hospital for what ended up being a false alarm. But when my son was born prematurely two years ago, I had a glimpse into what being on the other side feels like - an experience that has profoundly shaped my thinking today.It wasnt until I was waiting to hear, rather than give, important health updates that I really understood the feeling of uncertainty and powerlessness that many patients and their families feel. It really put into perspective how important it is to involve patients, and their families and carers, in their own health - that care is not something done to a patient, but rather, something that is shaped by everyone involved in the healthcare process.In my first week at DeepMind Health, I was really impressed that one of my new colleagues (not a nurse or doctor) had set up a meeting so we could hear directly from a patient, Michael Wise, who ended up needing dialysis and a kidney transplant after a sudden and unexpected problem with his kidneys. Since then, weve continued to increase our efforts to bring the patients voice into our projects.