According to Dr. Alan Watkins, it is possible to live in a state of flow by learning how regulate our physiology. We can accomplish this by focusing on BREATH (breathing evenly, rhythmically and through the heart every day) and regulating our emotional states. If we want to be great every single day, then we have to tune into our physiology, then emotion, then feeling, then thinking, then behaviour, then performance.
In other words, we can live in the state of peak performance by learning how to regulate our physiology.
Dr. Alan Watkins also states that we can control our physiology and improve daily performance by influencing our Heart Rate Variability (HRV). We can accomplish this by consciously altering our breathing thus creating cardiac coherence. Watkins notes there are 12 dimensions of breath that we can control, with the top three being:
1. Rhythmicity — fixed ratio of in and out breath
2. Smoothness — even flow rate in and out
3. Location of attention
In other words, we can generate a cardiac coherence by learning how to control our breath.
What is the best way to breathe?
Imagine we create a “Coherence AI” that helps users achieve more coherent HRV. The AI can learn the rhythmicity, the smoothness and the location of attention to classify users based on HRV Coherence Ratings. The AI can teach users how their HRV changes over time and offer suggestions for improvements. Furthermore, we can combine artificial intelligence with biofeedback or data visualizations to provide users with real-time feedback.
At Produvia, we can make Coherence AI a reality.
Coherence AI answers the question: “what is the best way to breathe?” was originally published in Produvia on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.